As the coronavirus sweeps the world, people are beginning to realize the great destructive potential of tiny microbes to human health and society. The pandemic also evoked memories of the previous incidents surrounding biological experiments. This is why recently, a U.S. military laboratory, Fort Detrick in Maryland has become the center of a heated discussion.提及德特里克堡生物基地,多家外媒都曾先后对这个神秘的实验室进行过追踪报道。这个曾经被用于发动细菌战的实验室,多年来一直承担着美国中情局化学实验和精神控制实验的多个绝密实验任务。实验室储存有埃博拉病毒、炭疽杆菌、布鲁氏菌等致命“特定生物制剂与毒素”。因此,不少外媒都曾评价它是美国政府进行最黑暗实验的中心。尽管美国拥有庞大的生物实验室体系,但对其安全监管一直力度不足。据2009年报告,美国几乎所有实验室都发生过事故或是病毒泄漏。自2011年起,陆续有美国媒体报道称,德特里克堡生物基地附近出现知名的癌症集群,超过100多位居民患上了癌症。According to reports, the U.S. has more than 200 biological laboratories established worldwide and large-scale dangerous infectious diseases have been found around some of them. For example, the army lab at Fort Detrick in Maryland, which is the country's largest biochemical weapons base, was shut down in July last year, but the CDC refused to give any details on the grounds of "national security".Once regarded as the center of the U.S. government's darkest experiments, the lab was also the CIA's base for secret chemical and mind control experiments. According to The New York Times, the research involved biological agents and toxins that have been determined to have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety, to animal and plant health, or to animal or plant products.The obscure army base came under the spotlight in 2008 after one of its scientists was suspected to have perpetrated the 2001 anthrax attack, where several letters containing the deadly germ was mailed to American media and government offices.然而,就是这样一个对美国政府来说如此地位“特殊”的重要基地,却在2019年7月突然被“神秘”关闭了。据美国媒体报道,去年7月,在距离该生物基地仅一小时车程的一个养老院机构里,有至少60人染上了一种不明原因的呼吸系统疾病,最终导致3人死亡。令人不解的是,这场突如其来的疾病并非发生在常见的流感季节,尽管美国疾控中心对多个样本进行广泛检测,但仍然无法最终确定病毒的真正来源。两件事情发生的时间节点高度重合,这般巧合,实在耐人寻味。A vaping-related lung disease, the symptoms of which resemble those of COVID-19 pneumonia, broke out in a community just one hour's drive away from the lab shortly after the lab was shut down. The timing and the location of the outbreak appear dubious, especially since e-cigarettes have been sold in the country since 2007.
随着此次全球大流行病的传播,公众对于该生物实验室的记忆被唤醒,美国国内要求彻查德特里克堡生物基地关停与新冠肺炎暴发是否存在联系的呼声日渐高涨。3月10日,美国请愿网站上出现一条要求美国政府给出关闭实验室合理解释的请愿贴,同时列举了德特里克堡生物基地与新冠病毒暴发有关的时间线。在这条时间线里可以清晰地发现,德特里克堡生物基地关闭后不久即暴发了一场大规模的“流感”,导致1万多人死亡。美国中情局更是在去年10月就“有预见性地”组织了一场全球流行病的演习活动。这场代号201的演习脚本与新冠疫情的发展高度相似,让人匪夷所思。然时至今日,美国政府面对质疑始终三缄其口,未有任何回应。美国疾控中心也以“国家安全”为由拒绝公布更多细节。In March, many Americans signed a petition that asked the White House to disclose the real reason behind the closure after the CDC decided to reopen the Fort Detrick lab. They also wanted clarification about whether the lab was related to the novel coronavirus and if there had been a virus leak. Unsurprisingly, U.S. authorities and politicians have remained silent on the issue.不仅对美国民众的关切避而不谈,为了转移焦点,无法“自证清白”的美国政客们更是不遗余力地将锅甩给中国。包括美国总统特朗普、国务卿蓬佩奥等都曾多次在公开场合发表“新冠病毒来自武汉实验室”等荒谬言论。这种避重就轻、欲盖弥彰的诿责手段让美国媒体与民众感到不满,他们纷纷要求美国政府查明真相,尽快公布关于德特里克堡生物基地关闭的调查结果。对于部分美国政客要求武汉实验室开放接受调查的说法,有美国网友留言道:
“美国又在玩之前911的那套把戏了。就听特朗普的吧,他对不断上升的感染和死亡病例根本不采取任何措施。人们还没有准备好迎接下一场战争呢,他只会强调病毒会在四月份神奇消失,甚至建议我们将消毒水注射到静脉里。”Quora用户Masao Miwa撰文称,此前美国德特里克堡生物实验室就曾因操作不当两次被关闭。A Quora user's questioning of the Fort Detrick lab Maryland has gone viral online. "It (Fort Detrick) was shut down twice for the improper handling of dangerous pathogens. It is a military laboratory for biodefense. By its very nature, the work is probably classified, so the projects and strains of the virus being researched cannot be accessed by the public," said Masao Miwa, who claims to be a former engineer at Hughes Space and Communications.时隔多日,在全球目光聚焦下,德特里克堡生物基地又匆忙重启,宣布恢复运行,可是关于实验室的谜团尚未解开。这个让美国政客都讳莫如深的生物实验室,到底还隐藏着多少对人类的致命威胁?当世界正面临着公共卫生安全的重大威胁时,这些疑问亟待美国政府站出来讲明事实,还公众真相。美国确诊病例超141万 特朗普:我们可能检测过度了…...